Technical Debt, Maintenance, and Buy-In

As technologists - we can mostly agree on the importance of clearing out looming technical debt, maintaining project things like framework upgrades and more, but how do you go about it when your management is pushing back? How can you ensure you're helping your code survive the long-haul when time and time again features are the driving force. Let's chat.
Chipping Away at Technical Debt

Chipping Away at Technical Debt

Technical debt is a natural part of software development. New frameworks come out, better ways to do things are found, SDK and languages updates are a thing, plus a hundred other external influences in your project. All of these things lead to old code that needs to be updated to keep on par with the […]
Hello Mobile World Color Explosion

Hello Mobile World!

My introduction to mobile was a rough start. In fact, it was so rough I told myself I was never doing that again. When my first job offer came around though, they were short on iOS and Android developers.. and well, being rather desperate as a single mom with loads of student debt, I jumped […]

Network Sniffing with Fiddler

Now and then when you encounter a problem, you have to put on your Hacker hoodie and just go for it. That’s how I discovered some of the debugging capabilities of Fiddler. As an iOS developer – it’s difficult to capture the network calls your app is making to determine why weird things are happening. […]

How to Level Up Your Dev Game

A year and a half ago, I was questioning my career as a developer. I love making things, don’t get me wrong, but I was very disappointed with what I was making. Three years of maintaining apps, minimal new features, and all of my ideas were being over thrown. I’d come home from work frustrated, […]

That Time I Built a Robot

I was always kind of curious about robotics. As a mobile developer, I realize how fast technology changes & understand I might not be working on iPhones in 10 years. I may be working on some kind of software-hardware-Alexa-human-body combination. Who knows. Robots. The wheels started turning back in college. I had a professor who […]

30 Hours in Unity

Recently I was tasked with creating a Hololens prototype in Unity. The only experience I had with Unity was a tutorial 3 years ago where every _single_ step was drafted out. I thought that gave me enough of an introduction to navigate around the IDE without too many tears, so onward I went. Here are […]